To use custom Sofa HRTF in Anaglyph, follow the instructions in the Matlab package.
The plug-in can be used in Max Cycling '74, see the control-msg.maxpat patch for a complete list of control messages.
Follow the same steps to create a second audio source, yet have the AnaglyphSource script field Audio Mixer point to another AnaglyphAudioMixer/Master (e.g. duplicate the original AnaglyphAudioMixer with Ctrl+D).
You can use the attributes flagged as ''Anaglyph parameter'' in the AnaglyphConfig.cs file to define changes that will be applied to all the instances of AnaglyphSource upon startup.
Unity export target architecture should match anaglyph plugin's architecture (likely 64 bits). On Windows, you'll need to copy the full content of the anaglyph_plugin_data folder into Unity ProjectName_Data/Resources folder (created by Unity build) for Anaglyph to find its dependencies.